Cajun Prairie Boucherie, Grand Coteau, Louisiana

Cajun Prairie Society Boucherie

The Cajun Prairie Society is hosting their very own boucherie on Saturday, March 18th starting at 9am with the festivities continuing into the next day.

Patrons that join in for both days will have the opportunity to be involved in the entire process from harvesting to cooking. Living through these authentic traditional activities lends you a better appreciation of the sacrifice that farmers and their livestock give every day.

For those coming only on Sunday, you will see the processing and complex array of dishes prepared with the meat from the freshly harvested pig. Live music, food, and drink will be provided for the celebration. The activities will start in the morning and cooking will continue all day with dishes prepared for lunch and throughout the afternoon and evening.

A boucherie is a community coming together to harvest an animal. Due to the intensive labor involved in whole animal butchering, a farmer would call upon friends, family, and neighbors to assist in the task. This day of work turns into a celebration, with plenty of food, music, and spirits to go around. No one went home hungry or empty-handed. With the lack of refrigeration, this was the only time that fresh meat could be consumed. Most of the meat butchered at a boucherie was processed with the intent of preservation, with the understanding that not a single aspect of the sacrificed beast would be wasted. These are the core fundamentals of Cajun cuisine. Boudin and boudin noir, gratons, fraisseurs, saucisse de voile, backbone fricasse, head cheese, tasso, chaudin, panse and saucisse de graisse are all products of this philosophy.

Tent camping spots are available.

General Admission tickets for both days are $100 or $75 for Cajun Prairie Society Members. Sunday-only tickets are $30. To purchase discounted tickets for ‘Cajun Prairie Society members’ please visit and sign up for a membership before purchasing a member ticket.

Funds raised from this event will go to a Cajun Prairie documentary that is currently under production. Participation in this event will directly help the goals of the Cajun Prairie Society in their efforts to preserve, manage and teach about the native prairie of the region.


Mar 18 - 19 2023


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



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Bajat Trail
152 Savoie Lane, Grand Coteau, Louisiana 70541


Cajun Prairie Habitat Preservation Society
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