Sweet Dough Pie Festival
Celebrate the history of Grand Coteau and a traditional Louisiana treat called the sweet dough pie. Every year, pastry chefs and home cooks vie to be the best in the sweet dough pie contest where the public is the judge. A large variety of pies are available for purchase. Some favorites include fig, custard, lemon, blackberry, and other local, seasonal ingredients. Browse through over 100 vendors with art, handmade items, flowers and herbs, custom furniture, indoor and outdoor decor, and more.
Take a self-guided tour around the town of Grand Coteau, passing by: St. Ignatius School, the St. Peter Claver complex, the Schools of the Sacred Heart, and St. Charles Church and cemetery. This picturesque cemetery, with ancient Live Oaks and Spanish Moss, is the final resting place of the first African American Mayor for the State of Louisiana since Reconstruction, the woman the St. Charles church bell was named after, historical gravesites of our war veterans, and many renowned Jesuit priests.
The Sweet Dough Pie Festival is the last Saturday of October. For information on the sweet dough contest, becoming a vendor or visiting the festival call 337.331.6352
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